Why don’t you finish a task once you start it? Is it because:
A. You aren’t committed enough
B. You are lazy
C. You can’t follow instructions
D. You are most productive when you have interruptions and switch tasks frequently
The surprising answer could be D!
It turns out that you have a natural way of taking action and it’s not like everyone else. That’s why you can’t just follow the system that worked for Famous Self-Help Author X or do what your brother or neighbour did that makes them look so organized.
I work with an assessment tool called Kolbe A™ that allows you to identify your strengths and understand the best way for you to turn ideas into actions. With the Kolbe A™ assessment, you learn about how to get in to action your way. Are you a Fact Finder, who needs to research before starting a project, or a Quick Start, who says yes! before you even know exactly what the project is?
The Kolbe A™ is a great tool for personal development and can provide spouses and families, co-workers and managers with insightful tips on how best to work together (So that’s why so-and-so drives me crazy!).
A common error managers make is to hire people just like them. But there are 12 different action modes and the most effective teams have all of the strengths represented. Here’s an example: Fact Finders at one end of the spectrum need detail, both in gathering and sharing information. A team with just this profile will usually get stuck in analysis paralysis. Add moderating and complimentary influences to the team and all that analysis can get distilled down to essential information and then formed into a big picture or bottom line result.
I am doing a free Webinar on the Kolbe A™ assessment on Monday, January 27, at 8pm, hosted by Totallyadd.com (though you don’t have to have ADD/ADHD to benefit!).
One webinar participant will be randomly chosen ahead of time to take the Kolbe A™ (for free!). I will walk them through their results live during the webinar, so everyone can get a sense of how the process works and how anyone can use the insight it generates in their lives. This is a $295 value, so register now to be qualified for the draw. As an added bonus, I will also offer a special discount on the Kolbe A™ assessment to all Webinar participants.
Click here to see the archived webinar (registration required).
Source: Blog feed